Psychosomatic piriformis pain is far more common than diagnostic statistics account for. In fact, many cases of piriformis pain are psychogenic. This truth is proven by the high efficacy rate of mindbody therapies that are utilized to treat conditions that have been mistakenly linked to structural issues in the piriformis muscle.
Psychogenic and psychosomatic are words that remain greatly misunderstood by the general public. We always have a few readers write to us complaining that we inferred that their pain is “imaginary”. We even have some readers who believe us to be accusing them of suffering from “mental illness” due to demonstrating psychogenic piriformis pain. These readers can not be helped, since they are stuck in a limited mindset and do not actually take the time or effort to read our information carefully. They simply see the words “psychosomatic” or “psychogenic” and make assumptions as to the implied meaning based on limited life experience, a complete miscalculation of human anatomy and the internalization of fear created in the subconscious that the true nature of their pain might soon be revealed. In essence, their overreaction is actually part of the defense mechanism of the mindbody syndrome creating their pain…
This most important of all resources section on this website provides a truthful overview of psychosomatic piriformis symptoms. We will define and clarify what these mean exactly and put to rest all misunderstandings on the topic for readers who actually do care enough to read and learn from our collective clinical experience spanning decades. If you are closed-minded, prefer ignorance or are overly defensive of your diagnosis (no matter how unenlightened it may be or how much pain it damns you to suffer), then now is perfect time to stop reading and leave. However, if you really want to find relief and have not been able to do so through traditional care practices, then all your answers might reside right here and are free for you to implement right now.
Psychosomatic Piriformis Pain Defined
Let’s get off to a good start to help assure those who are still not sure they want to continue reading. First, psychosomatic symptoms are universal in humans. The mind influences all matters of health and disease as an indisputable scientific fact. Stress can cause headaches, pain, digestive woes, skin disorders and many other negative consequences in the body. Meanwhile, positive psychoemotional states can improve physical function, maintain wellness of mind and body, as well as help our immune systems to work better. All these truths are well known. Psychosomatic influence happens over symptoms that are anatomically-motivated (have a basis in injury, structural abnormality or degeneration) and symptoms that are motivated by other processes, such as disease or ischemia.
Psychogenic means symptoms that not motivated by a structural process, but instead are literally created by the mind, usually as defense mechanisms against repressed or suppressed emotional issues. Who suffers psychoemotional sensitivities that lead to repression and suppression? Everyone. Every single human adult on this planet. Psychogenic symptoms also commonly include headaches, gastrointestinal issues, skin problems and many chronic pain problems. Piriformis pain is simply one of numerous possible expressions.
Everyone experiences both psychogenic and psychosomatic health effects. Experiencing these events in life does not make anyone defective, “mental”, damaged or deficient in any way. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Experiencing these pain conditions truly defines you are human: a highly evolved animal with a combination of mind and body working together to create health and dis-ease.
Psychosomatic and psychogenic symptoms are not imagined or in any way less clinically relevant than structurally-motivated symptoms. They only ways that they differ are in their causation (psychoemotional, rather than anatomical) and there ideal treatment path (psychoemotional, rather than anatomical).
Psychogenic Piriformis Pain Discussions
Below, we help to clarify this complicated topic by breaking it into smaller and more easily digestible essays, each covering a specific aspect of psychosomatic piriformis pain. As each new essay is finished and published, it will be added to the following section below
Tension myositis syndrome piriformis pain is a relatively rare expression of TMS, but often starts after other more typical symptoms of lower back pain resolve or are debunked. Dr. Sarno’s theories and piriformis syndrome are related in the expressions of TMS sufferers who have experienced pain in the hip/sacroiliac region that was eventually diagnosed incorrectly as piriformis-related pain.
Piriformis knowledge therapy is the best path towards successful treatment for any and all psychosomatic and psychogenic expressions.
Piriformis ischemia is the mechanism of action through which mindbody pain syndrome are enacted in virtually all patients. Oxygen deprivation piriformis pain can be directed at the muscle itself, the sciatic nerve, the pudendal nerve or the entire regional zone.
Piriformis nocebo effect helps to reinforce the structural plausibility of pain in the piriformis region, strengthening the mind’s resolve to continue and worsen symptoms.
Understanding the psychology of piriformis pain is helpful in undoing the syndrome from a mindbody perspective.
Psychosomatic Piriformis Pain Synopsis
Let’s make a few points crystal clear:
Not all piriformis pain is psychosomatic. We do not generalize that all cases are the result of the mindbody interactions. However, we can tell you for sure that all pain is influenced by the psychoemotional state of the patient, so this section is valid and relevant reading for anyone with piriformis symptomology.
Mindbody interactions can worsen or improve symptoms that have structural basis.
Mindbody interactions can create pain or resolve pain that does not have structural basis, but often will be blamed on an incidental structural scapegoat abnormality.
Experiencing any type of mindbody symptoms makes you completely normal. Denying that the mind influences the body makes you ignorant and in defiance against accepted and proven scientific evidence that has existed for literally thousands of years.
Renee Descartes was wrong. This is a simple fact. Pure Cartesian medical philosophy is incorrect and has directly caused the epidemic of modern chronic pain problem that has literally overwhelmed our healthcare system. This type of chronic suffering was unheard of historically in the medical journals of years past, since mindbody interactions were accepted and not treated with drugs or surgery. Now, the path of medical science is precarious and seems to be balanced on the edge of a perilous knife in this regard…
Please enjoy much more coverage on mindbody health by using our search function to read all of our many offerings throughout the sites of The Cure Back Pain Network. We are the premier source of information on this important topic on the web today. Please search “psychosomatic” to get started. We promise that the research will be time well spent and will do more to cultivate good health than anything else you will ever attempt during your life. Learn and grow. Grow and heal. Heal and help others. Help others and help yourself. It is the cycle of true wellness and it can be yours.
Our proven pain relief program can cure piriformis pain due to mindbody sources better than any other treatment. Best of all, the program is peer-acclaimed and available worldwide to help you immediately.
Piriformis Pain > Psychosomatic Piriformis Pain