Acupuncture for piriformis pain can provide safe, effective pain relief from some symptoms, without the dangers of drug therapies. Acupuncture is not typically a curative method of care, but can provide a cure for some cases of piriformis spasming in rare cases. Even when a cure is not provided, pain relief is typically effectual and is complementary to other forms of care.
We have been outspoken proponents of acupuncture for decades already and have written about its many uses in numerous articles across the various sites of The Cure Back Pain Network. Acupuncture is not perfect, but it does provide many benefits that are hard to duplicate with other types of treatment.
This essay explores the use of acupuncture for a variety of piriformis pain syndromes. We will detail the benefits and downsides of acupuncture for piriformis pain and provide our insights on its use as expert caregivers.
Piriformis Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an energy healing modality that acts on the qi of the body. Qi is life energy and can be manipulated using various forms of treatment, including acupuncture. During treatment, the care provider uses ultra-thin needles to activate particular points on the body to achieve specific therapeutic goals. In the case of piriformis symptoms, the goal of treatment might be to relieve pain, stop muscle spasming or provide support objectives like relaxation and general improvement of health and wellness.
Qi is largely mysterious to western medicine, but has formed the basis for Chinese medical treatment for millennia. Acupuncture can balance qi energy by adding or subtracting qi from various points on the body. Balanced qi is important for good health and homeostasis within the human organism, as well as for speedy and complete healing of bodily ills.
Acupuncture is a complementary system of care and works very well with other complementary and traditional medical treatments, including physical therapy, chiropractic, massage and self-managed exercise and stretching programs.
Acupuncture for Piriformis Pain Benefits
Acupuncture for piriformis pain has many varied benefits that distinguish it among other treatment options:
Acupuncture is holistic, which means that it provides general wellness benefits, as well as specific benefits for piriformis pain. When performed by an expert under sterile conditions, acupuncture has virtually no risks.
Acupuncture is nonpharmaceutical and therefore does not subject patients to all the horrific dangers of poisonous drugs typically used for traditional medical pain management.
Acupuncture is often available in multi-disciplinary practices, also called combined care facilities, making treatment convenient and synergistic to other forms of care.
Acupuncture can be used as needed. It can be stopped or started at any time and does not contraindicate any other types of treatment.
We have received reports of patients who cite that acupuncture resolved their piriformis spasms completely over several treatment sessions.
In some areas of the world, acupuncture is a relatively cheap treatment option. Unfortunately, in others, it can be very expensive.
It does not take patients long to ascertain if acupuncture works for them or not. 2 or 3 sessions is typically long enough to make a decision about whether to continue care or not.
Acupuncture for Piriformis Pain Downsides
Acupuncture is invasive, but only to a very insignificant degree. Treatment is usually not painful, although it can be uncomfortable in some instances. Most expert acupuncturists can provide treatment with no discomfort at all.
Acupuncture may or may not enjoy coverage under traditional health insurance policies.
Acupuncture might provide extreme short-lived pain relief ranging from several hours to several days for some patients. Other patients might report weeks or even months of relief.
Patients who are fearful of needles might naturally avoid acupuncture. If the patient is anxious, fearful or otherwise hesitant to try treatment, we recommend alternative constructive treatment options such as acupressure, massage or physical therapy.
Piriformis Pain > Piriformis Treatment > Acupuncture for Piriformis Pain