Natural piriformis treatment can be both safe and effective for some painful complaints, but is not always ideal for every patient and diagnosis. Natural care methods avoid surgery and pharmaceutical therapy in favor of organic interventions that work directly or holistically to resolve symptoms.
What types of natural care is available for piriformis pain? Will the nature of the diagnosis affect the level of effectiveness of individual treatments? Should I pursue natural care or traditional medical care for piriformis syndrome? These are all common questions related to the subject of natural piriformis syndrome treatment.
This dialog seeks to answer many of the questions we receive about all natural treatment for piriformis syndrome and injury. We will explore your options for all natural care and provide a pros and cons analysis of many of these modalities.
Natural Piriformis Treatment Defined
Natural treatment means that drugs, surgery and other artificial means of care are avoided in favor of treatment that comes from nature. This might indicate organic substances, such as herbs, but can also indicate organic practices, like physical therapy and even mindbody care methods, like knowledge therapy.
All natural treatment certainly has certain health benefits over traditional medical care. Drugs and surgeries are inherently harmful for the body, although in some cases, they are necessary. Many patients who pursue the traditional pharmaceutical route of symptomatic treatment become negatively impacted by the consequences of these powerful pain drugs given to them. The results of extended use pharmacological therapy on general health can be catastrophic. Meanwhile, patients who go the surgical route might develop complications that would never occur using all-natural care methods. Surgery is always a risk…
Natural Treatment Options
Below, we explore some of the most common all natural treatments for piriformis pain and provide some facts about each that every patient should know:
Chiropractic is definitely 100% natural, but is not known as an ideal treatment for piriformis syndrome. The condition is not typically influenced through spinal or pelvic adjustments, making chiropractors somewhat limited in their efficacy for piriformis pain.
Physical therapy is great for cases where injury require rehabilitation or muscle imbalances require resolution. In fact, PT is the optimal treatment for these diagnoses. However, for cases where sciatic nerve entrapment by the piriformis muscle is causing pain, physical therapy might be ineffective or even contraindicated due to symptomatic escalation.
Massage is rarely curative, but can provide effective symptomatic reduction for many patients and diagnoses. Some patients might suffer aggravated pain from aggressive massage, so choose your therapist and massage style carefully.
Natural supplements such as herbs and stem cells are largely scams and should not be used specifically for treating any type of health condition, including piriformis pain or piriformis syndrome.
Self-managed exercise therapy and stretching mirrors the pros and cons of professional PT detailed above.
Acupuncture can provide pain relief naturally for many patients. Acupuncture might also help the body to resolve certain types of pain over time, although cures for piriformis symptomology using acupuncture are very rare indeed and may have occurred through the passage of time alone. Acupuncture is best utilized in patients who require pain management, but wisely choose to avoid drug therapies.
Heat and ice can work well for some conditions and are free to use and risk-free also. However, some conditions will not benefit at all. The best a patient can hope for is to try these methods of care and see how well they work. There really is nothing to lose with trying heat and/or ice therapy at home.
Knowledge therapy is all natural and completely non-structural, making it a unique treatment choice. Unlike most natural care methods, knowledge therapy does not seek to relieve pain at all, but instead to resolve underlying issues in the mind that may be sourcing the symptoms. This makes knowledge therapy a curative modality that has been credited as actually curing countless patients with misdiagnosed piriformis conditions.
Natural Piriformis Treatment Tips
Natural treatment is a matter of choice compared to traditional and more risky medical care. Of course physical therapy is also a mainstay of traditional medicine, as well as all natural, so one does not have to turn to alternative care in order to remain in all-natural treatment.
We tend to recommend acupuncture and massage for symptomatic treatment of symptoms. These work well for many patients and do not really have significant risks to consider. If you want to save money or self-manage your own care, then heat and ice are also great options to consider.
Exercise and PT are great for indicated diagnoses, but fall flat when treating piriformis-related sciatica in almost every case.
Knowledge therapy is always a great inclusion in every treatment program and often provides the cure for the condition, rather than just a temporary bandage.
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