Are you up to date on the latest piriformis research? New discoveries are always occurring in the piriformis treatment sector, including breakthroughs in medical science, complementary therapy and even alternative healthcare. If you are struggling with piriformis pain, then learning all you can about your treatment options is one way to improve the chances of ending your symptoms for good.
What exactly qualifies as legitimate research and what is simply marketing? Even respected medical journals are filled with sponsored studies showing flawed research techniques and prearranged conclusions for the sake of profit. Meanwhile, healthcare consumers are bombarded 24/7 with messages from companies that all claim to have the answer or product you have been searching for. Unfortunately, most of these claims are pure lies, leading to nothing but more failed treatment, disappointment, financial loss and possibly even exacerbated pain and health risks. The old saying: “If you want to be healthy, then avoid doctors” is more true now than ever before!
This vital essay provides information on the current state of the piriformis research industry and why medical consumers must be more careful than ever before in what they believe.
Piriformis Research Difficulties
Research is a difficult topic to cover in any health genre. This is because many studies are commercially arranged and sponsored in order to promote a new drug, product or surgical technique. In much of this research, the conclusion has been reached before the study even begins and the doctors in charge are expected to find or fabricate results that support the conclusion for the sake of commercial gain. These skewed medical studies continue to be published as objective research throughout the world, much to the detriment of patients. Meanwhile, clinical experience of care providers is rarely given the same level of interest as research projects, despite being far more credible.
Many promising therapies do not receive adequate research funding because companies do not stand to make much money from them. Drug therapies receive the most attention, since these poisonous products are the most profitable of all consumer products in the world today.
At The Cure Back Pain Network, we stay on top of all new developments in the piriformis therapy industry. We do the work of sifting through the discoveries and insulate you from the marketing efforts of worthless studies in favor of sharing actual and beneficial discoveries that actually help people to truly recover. We also take into consideration the vast clinical experience of our extremely diverse editorial board and our many colleagues across all healing arts and sciences.
Piriformis Studies About Pain Causation
Many doctors and therapists have performed research as to what they feel actually causes piriformis pain. We have covered all of these possible symptomatic origins in our dedicated section on piriformis pain causes. Instead of repeating ourselves, here, let’s instead detail a specific problem we see in the theories of causation when it comes to piriformis syndrome.
The main impediment to successful treatment for piriformis pain is certainly misdiagnosis and this misdiagnosis occurs mostly due to over-generalization about the true mechanism for pain. Yes, virtually all experts agree that the source of piriformis symptoms is the muscle clamping down on the sciatic nerve and/or pudendal nerves. We certainly are on-board with this conclusion, as well. However the problem is that there are so many theorized reasons of why this spasming and clamping down occur and this is what causes patients to suffer treatment failure.
A great number of doctors focus on the incidence of the sciatic nerve traveling in an irregular pattern through or around the piriformis muscle. If this were a primary cause, then why do the majority of patients with piriformis pain not demonstrate this structural irregularity?
Most therapists cite injury to the piriformis as being the reason for pain and spasms. However, this injury can not be proven and the patient often denies any history of such a trauma.
Some doctors focus on innervation or circulation abnormalities cause the piriformis to go into spasm. These are valid explanations in a few case profiles, but do not account form most examples of piriformis syndrome.
Some care provides focus on the mindbody model of causation, which makes the most sense to us also. However, we do not assume that every patient is suffering from ischemic mechanism for pain, since the other explanations are also valid.
In essence, every patient should be evaluated objectively and without bias as to their specific source of pain. This type of accurate diagnostic processing rarely exists in the modern medical industry. It is too labor intensive and is certainly not as profitable as treatment. Somewhere along the line of healthcare development, the patient’s life became much less important than the money they can generate by being sick or pained. It is a disgusting evolution in a broken industry.
Piriformis Research About Treatment
Virtually all modern research projects about piriformis syndrome focuses on pharmaceutical and surgical interventions. These industries are where the money is and this is the driving force behind the studies.
Many excellent physical therapists have cured piriformis syndrome using proprietary approaches to exercise and stretching. Other doctors have provided easy solutions for patients through the study and implementation of ergonomic and positional solutions for highly specific problems, such as symptoms when reclining in bed. Mindbody medical providers have cured millions of people who suffer from chronic treatment-resistant piriformis syndrome, as well as other types of chronic pain.
None of these specialties receive adequate attention in the research world, despite clinical efficacy that surpasses all the research studies. The reason these findings are not newsworthy is that healthcare is a business and if a product or service can not generate enough money, then it is considered inferior.
It is crucial that every patient understands this economic motivation and uses this knowledge to guide what they believe as far as the cause of their pain, as well as which treatment will best cure it. The health system exploits and victimizes most patients, but some are smart enough to find their cure without the need to support the predatory healthcare sector. You should consider your sources of piriformis research carefully.
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