Piriformis sexual dysfunction can result when the powerful piriformis muscle clamps down on the pudendal nerve, causing nerve dysfunction and resulting serious symptomology. The pudendal nerve serves the perineum, genitals, groin and anus regions, so compression of this important tissue can cause some very serious expressions, including sexual dysfunction.
Sexual dysfunction can be an embarrassing topic for many patients to deal with. In fact, statistics clearly show that many patients avoid getting help for sexual dysfunction due to embarrassment and self-consciousness. They would simply rather suffer with the torment than discuss their deficit openly. We encourage all patients to seek out the help they need if they are suffering from sexual problems due to piriformis syndrome. Doctors are healthcare professionals and are here to help you. You should never be too embarrassed to get the assistance you require to recover and enjoy a normal sex life.
This dialog explores how piriformis entrapment of the pudendal nerve can cause sexual dysfunction, as well as other disturbing symptoms. We will also discuss how this condition can be cured using a variety of interventions.
Piriformis Sexual Dysfunction Defined
Sexual dysfunction can take several forms when it comes to piriformis syndrome. All forms of dysfunction interfere with normal sexual expression in one way or another. Here are some of the ways in which piriformis syndrome-enacted sexual dysfunction can be defined in both men and women:
Some patients do not suffer pudendal entrapment and only have the usual pattern of sciatic nerve compression leading to pseudo-sciatica. However, their pain is severe and interferes with sex simply due to discomfort, which is often exacerbated during particular positions or activities. Pain during sex can lead to activity avoidance and is therefore a type of dysfunction.
Patients who have pudendal nerve entrapment caused by a spasming piriformis muscle might suffer actual neurological deficits leading to sexual dysfunction, since the pudendal nerve serves the genitals, anus and perineum.
Men may not be capable of attaining or maintaining an erection. Men may not be capable of reaching orgasm.
Women may have a difficult time achieving lubrication or dilation during sex. Women may not be capable of reaching orgasm.
Men and women may be embarrassed to be sexually intimate due to urinary or fecal incontinence caused by nerve compression. Sexual activity might lead to embarrassing accidents with both forms of incontinence.
Sexual Dysfunction and Other Symptoms
Pudendal nerve entrapment can cause other symptoms at the same time as the various forms of sexual dysfunction detailed above. Some of these typical symptomatic manifestations may include any or all of the following expressions:
Saddle paresthesia is commonly seen in patients. These people will experience tingling, numbness and feelings of weakness in the uppermost inner thighs, inner buttocks, perineum, anus, groin and genitals.
Some patients might have difficulty standing or supporting their weight.
Some patients might suffer compression of both the sciatic and pudendal nerves, adding all the usual symptoms of pseudo-sciatica into the potential mix of torturous expressions suffered. These symptoms may include pain, tingling, weakness, numbness and motor deficits in the buttocks, legs and/or feet.
Piriformis Sexual Dysfunction Treatment
Treatment for piriformis-related pudendal entrapment can take many forms. No physical modality is universally superior to any other, since the cause of piriformis symptomology varies greatly.
Some patients find best results using physical therapy, including implementation of exercises and stretches. Other patients find relief using various forms of injection therapies, including Botox. A few patients may elect to undergo piriformis surgery, which is a rare form of invasive intervention reserved for very severe symptoms.
We find that knowledge therapy is the best all-around treatment, since it routes out the most common source of piriformis spasms, which is regional ischemia. When the muscle is oxygen deprived, it tends to clamp down on the nearby sciatic and/or pudendal nerves, causing piriformis syndrome. Knowledge therapy can uncover the mindbody reasons for ischemia to occur and bring speedy and permanent resolution for most patients.
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