Symptomatic piriformis treatment describes therapies which seek to minimize pain, but not cure it. In essence, these therapies are a form of second class medicine which only try to manage symptoms instead of seeking out and resolving the true source of the symptoms.
Symptomatic treatment is the general rule for all types of musculoskeletal pain, often ending when surgical correction is attempted and then beginning again once the surgery fails… Symptomatic treatment is largely preferred by physicians and complementary caregivers, since it provides a continuous source of renewable income in the form of repeat customers, often for life. There is no doubt that symptomatic care could be considered a form of slavery by any objective mind.
This essay details symptomatic care for piriformis pain syndromes. We will explore the most common methods of symptom-targeting treatment and provide a pro and con analysis of symptomatic care as whole when it comes to piriformis pain.
Symptomatic Piriformis Treatment Indications
Symptomatic care is usually the first line of therapy for virtually all types of musculoskeletal pain. The hope is that by using conservative modalities, the pain will simply go away by itself. However, the types of care utilized are often very dangerous, such as prescription drugs that literally poison the body into shock.
Symptomatic care is ideal when used for conditions which have a reasonable expectation of resolving organically. This includes most injuries and some types of muscular imbalances. Symptomatic care is not ideal when the cause of pain is expected to be persistent, since the treatment will have to be maintained indefinitely, often at great financial and systemic consequence.
The primary goals of symptomatic care are to minimize pain, allow the patient to function as normally as possible despite their pain and often to facilitate more dramatic methods of care which require a period of conservative care in order to qualify for health insurance coverage.
Symptomatic Piriformis Treatment Options
When it comes to piriformis pain, most treatments qualify as symptomatic care. The most typical care offerings include:
Chiropractic is a common form of general heath care that is often provided for specific health issues. Some patients cite temporary relief from piriformis symptoms using chiropractic, but true cures are basically unheard of.
Massage can help to relieve pain and improve physical function in some patients. Massage is generally always a symptomatic treatment that might help provide transient benefits, but no cure for piriformis symptomology. In some cases, massage makes matters worse for select patients.
Exercise and physical therapy can be curative in rare cases of muscular imbalance and are certainly rehabilitative in cases of injury to the piriformis muscle. However, for most cases of piriformis syndrome, exercises and stretching are hit and miss for efficacy and will not provide a lasting cure even in ideal circumstances.
Pain coaching does not seek to cure, but uses holistic mindbody methods of relieving pain and improving functionality.
At least all of the therapies detailed above are positive and constructive for wellness. They are not risky and will not degrade the health of the patient in any way.
Drug therapies can be given as injections or oral route. Injections are actually typically less risky, since there effects often act locally, rather than systemically. Oral pain medicines are toxic to the body and have wide-ranging negative consequences on health in every case. The longer they are used, the worse these consequences become.
Symptomatic Piriformis Treatment Pros and Cons
Regardless of risk or efficacy, symptomatic care will always be substandard to curative care. Every patient with every health issue in the world would much prefer to be cured of pain rather than have to manage it on an ongoing basis. However, the business of modern healthcare does not agree with this idea…
Symptomatic care provides one amazing benefit to care providers. It makes them the most money. Why have patients visit you once and cure them when you can have them return time and time again for additional care at additional profit? Better still, why not just give them drugs for years at a time when the effort involved in minimal (it takes all the actual work out of doctoring) and the benefits given by the big pharmaceutical companies are huge! Free cars, vacations, real estate, jewelry… You name it. Just write some scripts and cash the checks!
We warn all patients that symptomatic care is fine when you just need relief short term for a condition which WILL resolve organically. If you have pain and have no cure in sight, then using symptom-based care will enslave you, steal your money, may degrade your health and might just be the direct cause f a premature death if you are using pharmacological therapy. This is an indisputable fact.
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